Athanassios Mailis

Obscured by Walls

The Bema Display of the Cretan Churches from Visibility to Concealment

The book researches the Bema display of the Cretan churches in a time period spanning from the Byzantine re-conquest of the island (11th century) until the middle of the Venetian dominance (15th century). It focuses on the apparition and distribution of the Templon-barrier, the function of a certain group of frescoes as prostration images and the (partial) establishment of fresco-painted masonry screens at the Orthodox churches of the island, just before the prevalence of the »wooden wall of icons« – known as Iconostasis.


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Reihe: LEIZA,
Bandnummer: 18

1. Auflage 2020, 156 Seiten, 21 x 30 cm, fadengeheftet,

Erscheinungstermin: 10. Juli 2020
ISBN: 978-3-7954-3560-8

This study reveals the artistic and cultic multiplicity of arrangements, consisting of archaism and modernization, until the crystallization of the Iconostasis as the »distinctive feature of churches of the Byzantine rite«, thus a material proof of cultural identity and religious consciousness of the Orthodox populace in an area (Crete) and a period (Venetian rule) that is characterized by both osmosis and conflict.

Athanassios Mailis

Reihe: LEIZA, (CG290)
Bandnummer: 18
Warengruppe: 1554
Sprache: Englisch
Auflage: 1 2020
Medium: Hardcover
Einbandart: fadengeheftet
Seitenzahl: 156
Format: 21 x 30 cm
Gewicht: 884 g
Erscheinungsdatum: 10. Juli 2020
ISBN: 978-3-7954-3560-8
Verlag: Schnell & Steiner
Cover: Cover download

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