Falko Daim, Johannes Pahlitzsch, Joseph Patrich, Claudia Rapp, Jon Seligman (Hrsg.)

Pilgrimage to Jerusalem

Journeys, Destinations, Experiences across Times and Cultures Proceedings of the Conference held in Jerusalem, 5 to 7 December 2017

Jerusalem is a city holy to three world religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. From the early Byzantine period, Christian pilgrimage here and to other holy sites became a »mass phenomenon«. Thousands of Christians set out to holy sites in Palestine, Egypt and other places in order to physically experience salvation history and seek divine intervention in their lives. Numerous travel reports, pilgrim guides and other written sources highlight important aspects of pilgrimage. In addition, many well-preserved churches, monasteries, hostels and other buildings, as well as rich archaeological findings, provide us with a vivid and synthetic picture of the history of pilgrimage to the Holy Land.


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Reihe: ,
Bandnummer: 19

1. Auflage 2020, 156 Seiten, 21 x 30 cm, fadengeheftet,

Erscheinungstermin: 01. Juli 2020
ISBN: 978-3-7954-3561-5

This volume presents the contributions of a conference held at Jerusalem in 2017. They address the phenomenon of the pilgrimage to Jerusalem from very different approaches using written and material sources. On the one hand, they ask how pilgrims travelled to the Holy Land, what was the infrastructure that made pilgrimages possible, what did they see and what impressed them. On the other hand, they approach the pilgrims themselves, their origins, their motivations and their itineraries.

Falko Daim, Johannes Pahlitzsch, Joseph Patrich, Claudia Rapp, Jon Seligman (Hrsg.)

Reihe: , (CG290)
Bandnummer: 19
Warengruppe: 1559
Sprache: Englisch
Auflage: 1 2020
Medium: Hardcover
Einbandart: fadengeheftet
Seitenzahl: 156
Format: 21 x 30 cm
Gewicht: 929 g
Erscheinungsdatum: 01. Juli 2020
ISBN: 978-3-7954-3561-5
Verlag: Schnell & Steiner
Cover: Cover download

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